Think Art

Think Art

Art Think

Art Think Competition

We like art. We like graphics. We like illustration. And most of all we like it when it makes us think. So we thought it would be nice to have an informal competition.

No prize money. No rules as such. The intention is just to showcase new talent from all around the world. The finalists will be put on our website and the winner will have a couple of pages in our next year book (2) to showcase his or her stuff.

Good luck. Have fun. And always make tea in a pot.

Brief: Make people think.


Small jpegs or pdf's.
Closing date - 19 4 23

more info

Michael Gillette.

We came across Michael's work in Native Weapon Magazine.

( We thought it was great. He now lives in San Francisco (great city to live) but was born over here in Wales. If you want to see more of his work, try his website:

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