89: When two becomes three, Lawn Plan

89: When two becomes three, Lawn Plan

Building back All Gardening feels like a journey, one that is going to be epic, and along the way there are going to be moments to be proud of, and moments to reflect. Today it's one of those moments.

When I first coined the idea of Lawn Plan being a complete lawn service, one that was focus on the quality of the lawn I looked after and less about the number of lawns I looked after I think things really changed for me.

You see Lawn Plan is a real "thing" it's a name of a service, and that name is something people will share with other people.

I think Lawn Plan is bespoke, it's intelligent, it's a relationship.

I'm proud that people now ask me about Lawn Plan, not just lawn treatments. 

It's a deeper relationship.

Here's today's podcast

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