86: How to get to heaven

86: How to get to heaven

Well when I say heaven, I obviously mean lawn heaven, I think we can help with that!

So here's the thing, everyday I start the day by checking in on the website, check to see if any leads have come through over night.

But, before I can check for leads the video on the home page of All Gardening starts playing, it's David Bowie, he's singing "it ain't easy", It's a song I've always loved because he sings about "looking over the land".

Looking over the land is something I've always thought about, you see when you look at the earth from space, or if you use Google earth to look around the earth, you see 2 very obvious things, the blue of the sea, and the green of the land, that green will be "grass" - "lawns"

So, I'm trying to think how do I connect with the land, through the lawns and gardens, it ain't easy, but well get there given time.

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