7: Lawn mowing in winter? Sure!

7: Lawn mowing in winter? Sure!

What? and water your lawn over winter too?

We’ll I have a confession, at this precise moment, I don’t own a lawn? But I will soon, we’re just in the last few days of buying a new home which will have a 150m lawn to look after.

Now, I went to take a look at the lawn to see what I was going to be working with and what condition I will find my new lawn in winter. Well, it’s going to be a lawn of 2 halves, sunny bit and a north-facing bit of lawn.

I think I’ll have to make a lawn plan especially for my lawn, its a bit tricky to have a half-half lawn. But I’m up for it and I know it’s going to be all about grass type I use to get it to grow correctly offseason.

I think for those of you who don’t cut their lawn over winter, you need to be aware of overwintering your mower correctly or it might cost you money to get the machine serviced in spring or make sure you use it when you can. We use our Hayter mowers in the main season and small lightweight rotary mowers in winter.

What cut does the lawn need? Just a few mm.

Listen to my podcast to get more insights into winter lawn care.

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