6 is 6

6 is 6

There are 22 million gardens in the UK.

We have just 6 so far in February sign up to our GrassMaster and My Lawn Food service.

It's small number 6, but huge.

What 6 things we've learnt in February.

  1. Free samples go to small lawns, lawns just big enough for the sample pack.
  2. Shipping needs to be free.
  3. A premium lawn care instruction service need not be price sensitive, but it needs to be clear what you get for your money.
  4. At the beginning we have to care more, a lot more.
  5. Going the extra step, or the last mile to deliver an e-commerce order changes everything.
  6. People buy from people, not machines.

Seems very simple, but simple is different to easy.



Phil - Founder of All Gardening


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