199: One size lawn care subscription

199: One size lawn care subscription

Can I offer a lawn care subscription to everyone?


Can I offer a lawn care subscription to many?


So, here's my thinking.

The median size garden in the UK is 188m2 (according to a survey carried out by Foxtons estate agents), so how big is the median lawn in the UK.

I don't know but after looking after and visiting many over the years I've got a good idea of what I think I'd estimate.

So, here's my thinking.

If I offer a lawn care subscription to the median size lawn owner, that might add up to quite a few lawns.

So, here's a link to my Lawn Food Subscription service.

Go take a look, and if you'd like to give it a go please sign up.

I've set things up so it's has 3 options for delivery, every 10 weeks, twice a year or once a year. 

And you can cancel at anytime.

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