We'll work on 85 lawns this year.
That's it.
Over the years I've always thought I need more.
But recently I've started to think I need less.
Do one thing well I started to research.
I started to look for companies that do one thing well.
When you do one thing, it means lots of people will pass you by.
But less is more.
So here I am, 18 years on, I've done the more and more, the biggering and biggering.
Now I'm looking for less.
So I thought I'd share with people the kit I've employed to look after thousands of lawns, many vans, many mowers.

This is the start of a journey.
A new way.
I'm only looking to work on less.
Just 85.
That it.
Here's today's video, enjoy.
Phil Founder of All Gardening