139: Mud, mud, glorious mud. Nothing quite like it for cooling the garden

139: Mud, mud, glorious mud. Nothing quite like it for cooling the garden

Mud, mud, glorious mud. Nothing quite like it for cooling the garden

But it's fair to say perhaps, we don't really love mud enough.

I've made peace with mud over the years, I've learnt there is good mud, there is wet mud, there is hard dry mud and the is compacted mud.

Magic mud.

Sticky mud.

I've found that somedays mud gets deep into my hands. Deep into my fingerprints. 

Deeply gripped.

I've found that somedays mud hangs on my boots, adding and adding, like it wants to travel somewhere with me, but it need not know where it's going.

Weighted mud.

Carrying mud.

I've found that mud tells a story of the garden and lawn, mud shares insights into the past and the future.

Mud moves me.

We should take more time to look at our mud.

We should take more time to feel our mud.

We should take more time to play with our mud.

Playful, plentiful, perfectly posed to make more.

Here's todays podcast.


Phil Argent

Founder of All Gardening



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