138: It's all about apples, coz apples is apples

138: It's all about apples, coz apples is apples

It's all about apples, coz apples is apples

Did you notice the apples this year.

Spectacular, spectacular.

I mean did you notice how many trees produced huge lush volumes of apples this year.

A bumper crop.

Are the apples from this year any better or worst than last year?

I have a question, If you had an apple tree in your garden, did you try the apples or did they simply fall, and eventually go into the bin.

Here's the thing, this years apples were delicious.

There is a saying "apples for apples" assuming that judging something against something the same will be a consistent measure (apples in this case).

But here's the other thing, this years apples were better than last years apples.

But if you never tried last years, and then you never tried this years, you wouldn't have known.

There is a lot to be said about trying things that grow in the garden.

There is a lot to be said about remembering to try these things every year.

Because in a garden, your garden, some years are better than other years.


Here's todays podcast.


Phil Argent

Founder of All Gardening


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