Growing All Gardening ~ Phil Argent

136: Hold my hand, squeeze me tight, feel my warmth.

Hold my hand, squeeze me tight, feel my warmth.

These December winter days, they are short, especially from a daylight point of view.

Days start.

They peak.

And the days' end.

Seeming like a shooting star.

We end where we start, surrounded by our closest.

We gardeners have a natural place to settle.

We find our "green house", it's warm, an ever optimistic place.

We know things still grow, steadily, they just need that bit more care.

We guide with delight.

I often look up at the sky seeking a diamond star.

You see these winter nights often offer those gems, but you need to look.

Warmth comes from being together.

Growth comes from dreaming together.

Hold my hand, squeeze me tight, and make me smile.

Here's today's podcast

Phil Argent

Founder of All Gardening

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