So after 16 years of looking after lawns, growing lawns, renovating lawns and even giving them the odd treatment we had a thought.
Lawn care is not that easy, some will say that there are a few things you should do every year and some will say there are a minimum of things you can do every year.
To know what you could do you need our lawn care calendar.
But there seems no one way.
We know this is true, but a general framework of what can or could be done and when seems like a good idea. So we put together a lawn care calendar.
All you have to do is drop us an email and we'll send you a calendar, no catch, we need the email address to send it to you, but if you don't want follow up emails we won't do that.
What you'll find in our annual lawn calendar is a list of tasks to do, and when approximately you should do them.
Now keep in mind if you are ever in doubt you can always email us with some pictures of your garden and lawn and we'll happily share with you what we think you can do or should do next.
The calendar is free, find out more today.