127: Get planning this autumn

127: Get planning this autumn

If you're looking for things to do in the garden this autumn we have prepared a little check list to help you get started.

All to often we find people don't know where to start, what to do first, assuming that every task will be a big task.

But it doesn't have to be like that.

We have a little system for assessing gardens and lawns that you might find helpful. This is a system when we are asked to look at renovating lawns and gardens that have gone past there best.

Start small.

  1. We first take a look at the garden from 2 points of view, the first is where you (the client) might want to see the best view, the second is from the back looking down, this just helps get a perspective on the size of things.
  2. Look at the lawns first, look at its condition, can it be rejuvenated or repaired, regrown from seed or will it have to be replaced.
  3. Next is to look at the shape of a the lawn, does it have any shape, could it have some shape. A lawn with shape brings loads of ideas.
  4. Are there beds to allow for a good well managed planting scheme, beds ideally are 2m deep, which might seem large but designed well and in the right shape they will add a huge new dimension to any garden.
  5. Are there any trees, we like to see at least 1 tree in a garden, and ideally we try and make that a fruit tree, cherry is fun and starts fruiting quickly.
  6. Is there a shed, to store equipment, garden furniture and BBQ's, sadly its not summer all year round!
  7. Lastly equipment, do you have a good mower and the right hand tools, if were not looking after the lawn and garden we like to know you'll be ok when were done.

So, If your looking for things to do around the garden each point above leads itself to things to do.

  1. Lawn care
  2. Lawn repair
  3. New lawn
  4. Lawn shape work
  5. Flower beds 
  6. Planting
  7. Planting trees
  8. Planting hedges
  9. Garden Lighting
  10. BBQ area
  11. Veg area
  12. Polly tunnel
  13. Green house
  14. Compost area

And if you've done all those well done.

If not and you need a hand, why not get in touch and well be happy to take a look




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