121: What tools do you need in your shed to keep your lawn healthy

121: What tools do you need in your shed to keep your lawn healthy

Below is a list of tools we would recommend you had in your shed.

Some you might think are for professional users only perhaps.

But we thought it would be a good idea to share with you what we have in the shed just in case you feel like unleveling your lawn care and maintenance to the next level.

Listed in no particular order other than looking in the shed.

Mower, Hayter Harrier 48. You can use a 41 and we do have one of those to, but any lawn over 250m2 would be best cut with a 48.

Large Leaf Rake, this is a very large headed rake that you might not find in your typical garden centre, its more of an online buy. This is the tool of choice for both collecting leaf fall but also and more importantly for raking up after scarification and aeration (if you're planning to collect the cores).

Hand Operated Spreader, if there is one thing we see time and time again it's people applying lawn feed by hand and not through a spreader. This all too often damages the lawn, leaves scorch marks and leads to un even application.

If you use a hand spreader and you measure what you need for your lawn area a tip of ours is to spread at the lowest setting, which means you'll need to pass over the lawn area more than once. This will safe guard against any "over feeding".

A Set of Measuring Scales, so these are the unsung hero of lawn care, whether you looking to measure out grass seed or lawn feed it's always going to be best and lead to the best results if you use what growers and manufacturers suggest to use in terms of volume of seed or product.

If your new doing some levelling up of your lawn care and for instance you want to measure our how much seed you're going to use, you won't be able to guess accurately, just measure.

It's also a really good idea to calibrate your spreader from time to time, with a hand spreader that hard to do, just use the settings, but always do a half measure pass when you first do things just so you can see how much you'll use each time the spreader bucket is full.

A Measuring Jug, you may from time to time what to use liquid feeds, liquid wetting agents or other liquid based products, never guess the use of these, in our experience it's less about what could happen if you use too much liquid product per application, it's more likely that if you do use too much not a lot extra will happen. In effect less is more with most technical products and it's always best to know exactly how much you're using.

A Few Sets of Gloves with Rubber Grip, these are the gloves that you'll find many trade will wear, but not too often the home DIYer. The biggest plus when using grippy gloves is it distributes the strain of any weights or movements your hands go through to your whole hand and wrist. It's just a simple good idea to use these gloves when doing anything taxing on the lawn.

A Sharp Hand Knife, following on from the glove idea of lessening the strain, just how many times have you bought a bag of something from the garden centre to then try and open it with your fingers, tearing a hole in the wrong place. 

Opening a bag of anything with a sharp knife will not only save your finger joints but more importantly the hole in the bag you create with a knife will be just where you want it and just big enough for what you planned.





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